The Tomahawk is for the braves and squaws of the sea! Take it from a man raised by wolves, ‘you always need a Tomahawk in your quiver, you never know when your going to want to take it out’. Tomahawks come Clear or with a Single color resin tint, added Resin Tints, fabrics and Volan glassing come with additional costs. Chop chop! Dimensions : 5’9 X 20 1/2 X 2 1/2 Shape : Double Wing Flyer Nose : Concave Tail : Concave Tail Shape : Double flyer swallow Rail : Medium Fins : 2+1 or Quad (4)
Dimensions : 5’9 X 20 1/2 X 2 1/2
Shape : Double Wing Flyer
Nose : Concave
Tail : Concave
Tail Shape : Double flyer swallow
Rail : Medium
Fins : 2+1 or Quad (4)